the day before flying out to DC for thanksgiving my coworker, who loves to cook for her large family, and i were discussing what was going to be on our thanksgiving tables. i was telling her about my brussel sprouts, she telling me about her sweet potatoes.
as a veteran cook, i asked her if she was preparing anything for the big meal in advance. she responded that she had already cooked her cranberries for cranberry gin & tonics. cranberry gin & tonics! as a member of a family whose drink of choice is already g&ts, i knew that i would be cooking up my own cranberries for this holiday cocktail.
the cocktails we a hit! the cranberries were not too bitter or too sweet, just a subtle flavor and a very festive look. the red of the cranberries and green of the lime, also make this a refreshing drink for the christmas season!
cranberry gin & tonics (recipe found on
2 (12-ounce) bags fresh cranberries
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
3 1/3 cups chilled tonic water
1 1/4 cups gin
3 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice
bring cranberries, sugar, and water to a simmer in a saucepan, then simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until berries just begin to pop, about 2 minutes. Drain cranberries in a fine-mesh sieve (i used a colander) set over a 1-quart glass measuring cup, then reserve 2 cups cranberries and force remaining berries through sieve into syrup. Discard solids remaining in sieve, then add reserved cranberries to syrup. Cool to room temperature. Transfer to a pitcher and chill until cold, about 2 hours.
Add remaining ingredients to syrup, stirring gently to combine. Serve drinks over ice in 8- to 10-ounce glasses.