man, things have been going pretty great around here. christmas with the fam was terrific and i spent new year's in chicago with lots of college friends i had not seen in a long time. and now i am glad to be back in st. louis and back to a semi-normalish schedule. still easing back into being home... i swear i will unpack my bags soon.
even though we are only four days into 2011, this year is already providing lots of exciting opportunities. i hope to share more about those on here soon, but for now i am feeling a bit superstitious until concrete plans and decisions are made. but just for a teaser: there may be some exciting last minute trips this month!!!

the past 2 years i have participated in my yoga studios january "yoga bender" -- 30 days of yoga. i signed up again this year and am excited to rededicate myself to my yoga practice two weeks of little excercise and over-eating and drinking.
last night in my yoga class my teacher spoke about new years resolutions or as she called them new years intentions. she challenged us to make new years intentions that would add things to our lives, rather than omit things from them. for example, rather than resolve to stop drinking caffeine which can often set you up for failure, one might make the intention to be more aware of the amount of caffeine you consume. this got me thinking about my new year's intentions and thought that by posting them on here it might help me hold myself accountable.
BT's New Year's Intentions:
1. Make an effort to be better about correspondence, in work and personal affairs. Respond to emails, letters and phone calls in a more prompt manner.
2. Start an esty shop. I have all the tools I need, now I just need to take action and DO IT!
3. Help a few friends who are at crossroads in their lives find more fulfilling jobs/careers. I've had some luck with this in 2010 and want to continue to help in the small ways I can in 2011!
"cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."- oprah
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