Wednesday, December 22, 2010

please christmas, don't be late!

it's almost here! just have to get through another day of work, pack my bags and drive north! can't wait to be with family and friends in iowa! where will you be spending your christmas?
image from

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

you know you're turning into your mother when, pt. 2

you know you're turning into your mother when.... you start wearing her clothes.

when i was home in iowa a few weeks before thanksgiving, i raided my mom's stash of clothes from the 70s and 80s. she had saved her polyester paisley bridesmaid dresses, a velour jacket from my grandmother, and all of my sisters' and my prom dresses. can we say major score?

one dress included is the one i am wearing, although it's not intended to be worn as a dress. i wore it two nights in a row to back-to-back christmas parties. the dress is actually a silk tunic with matching silk pants. PANT SUIT, HOLLER! to make the outfit look more contemporary i thought i would fore go the pants and sport the tunic as a cocktail dress with some black nylons and patent leather black booties. it's hard to tell but there are all these awesome magenta sequins towards the neckline adding the perfect amount of pizazz for the holidays.

while i'm home for christmas i'll try to dig up this great picture of my mom wearing this pantsuit with my dad at a christmas party of their own and post it up here :)

all 100% red velvet.

if i am ever in a bad mood, i watch this and BAM! my day just got 100% better.

"i look at 100% real paintings through 100% real crystals."

Monday, December 20, 2010

scenes from the freakin' weekend, baby.

some weekends you have so much fun that you end up more tired than you were on friday. that was this past weekend. i hit up black swan with kate friday night followed by drinks and gossip at the maryland house. saturday i brunched with jenny. we spent most of the time chatting about wedding blogs, this is why i love that girl. wine date with kate on saturday, who also made me awesome chicken enchiladas sunday night. channeled by inner 8 yr old self and created a glowing holiday scene on a light bright. more brunch on sunday, including live cheesy covers of route 66 and norah jones. celebrated a dear friend's birthday. saw the joe jones exhibit before it closed at the art museum. drank hot chocolate and threw snow balls while strolling through forest park. watched youtube videos of the sing-off in bed.

kate and i drank every last drop of mother's milk saturday night. a very hilarious and ironic gift from my mother -- go figure.

christmas shopping for my niece and nephew.

sunday night drank vintage cocktails as part of the cocktail museum at the royale.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

squirrel love: business edition

squirrel paper clips from modcloth. for keeping yourself organized while taking care of business.

december lonny.

lonny's december issue is out and brimming with gorgeous interiors and inspiration: pink ribbons and evergreen. champagne saucers and mercury glass votives. record collections off on bookshelves. purple lamp, seafoam curtains and pink pillows. mauve walls.

Monday, December 13, 2010


for your wes anderson film fanatics:

christmas vinyl.

just a little glimpse of what i have been listening to while preparing for christmas.

barbra streisand / a christmas album
- babs sure does a mean version of jingle bells on crack.

tchaikovsky / the nutcracker suite
- now i want to wrap all my presents in pink tulle.

george winston / december
- damn, george. you can really tickle the ivory.

scenes from the weekend.

this past friday was our christmas party! we decided to class it up a bit from last year -- hors d'oeuvres and champagne cocktails. ok, ok...there was also cheap beer present, but no one dressed up as uncle eddie from national lampoon's christmas vacation the year. the party was a blast and it was nice to meet some new friends.

saturday was spent cleaning and putting everything back together after the party. saturday night we tried an afghan restaurant around the corner from our apt. i love having so many great restaurants just blocks away.

sunday i woke up to SNOW! i spent a lazy day watching cbs sunday morning, drinking coffee, writing christmas cards and wrapping presents. wrapped up the weekend with sunday funday with my yoga girls at my favorite wine bar, sasha's on shaw.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

you know you're turning into your mother when...

you know you're turning into your mother when you have.....

not one....

not two...
but three christmas trees in your home.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

christmas at tiffany's.

i'm in love with tiffany's new holiday ad campaign.

i'm ready for snow.

especially this one below. it reminds me of the scene in when harry met sally when they are dragging the christmas tree home to sally's apt :)

cranberry gin and tonics.

the day before flying out to DC for thanksgiving my coworker, who loves to cook for her large family, and i were discussing what was going to be on our thanksgiving tables. i was telling her about my brussel sprouts, she telling me about her sweet potatoes.

as a veteran cook, i asked her if she was preparing anything for the big meal in advance. she responded that she had already cooked her cranberries for cranberry gin & tonics. cranberry gin & tonics! as a member of a family whose drink of choice is already g&ts, i knew that i would be cooking up my own cranberries for this holiday cocktail.

the cocktails we a hit! the cranberries were not too bitter or too sweet, just a subtle flavor and a very festive look. the red of the cranberries and green of the lime, also make this a refreshing drink for the christmas season!

cranberry gin & tonics (recipe found on epicurious)

2 (12-ounce) bags fresh cranberries
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
3 1/3 cups chilled tonic water
1 1/4 cups gin
3 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice

bring cranberries, sugar, and water to a simmer in a saucepan, then simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until berries just begin to pop, about 2 minutes. Drain cranberries in a fine-mesh sieve (i used a colander) set over a 1-quart glass measuring cup, then reserve 2 cups cranberries and force remaining berries through sieve into syrup. Discard solids remaining in sieve, then add reserved cranberries to syrup. Cool to room temperature. Transfer to a pitcher and chill until cold, about 2 hours.
Add remaining ingredients to syrup, stirring gently to combine. Serve drinks over ice in 8- to 10-ounce glasses.

back from the beach.

finally back from miami! and let me tell you, it feels so good to be home. we had a fun and successful trip at the art fairs, but phew, it's exhausting. and of course i have sprung into full christmas mode -- which i will be highlighting on here.

thanks for hanging with me even though i'm not always around.... do i smell a new year's resolution?

Thursday, November 25, 2010


happy thanksgiving! this year i am celebrating at my sister and brother-in-laws in "the district." we're having the big traditional meal tomorrow with family and friends. since we weren't having turkey tonight, we figured why not go to a Turkish tapas restaurant-- Agora. we had a great time trying all the different food, laughing and drinking vino.

i have many things to be thankful for this year... family, great friends, fun cousins, l. scott, my STY kula, a fabulous roomie, bloody marys, pie and much, much more!

wishing everyone a fantastic and blessed thanksgiving! gobble gobble.

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

squirrel love: literary edition

i read another fabulous book by david sedaris over thanksgiving, squirrel seeks chipmunk. sedaris' most recent book is a slight diversion from his other books that includes fictitious tales about animals -- from squirrels to hippos.

among these witty stories are fabulous illustrations by ian falconer, the same illustrator as those in the olivia children's books. they certainly add to the whimsy and playfulness of the animal fables. this would make a great holiday gift for any sedaris fan!

this book would make a wonderful holiday gift for any sedaris fan! also, a favorite of mine around the holidays us Sedaris' holidays on ice. rumor has it that there is a new edition out this holiday season with six new holiday stories!

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
~Mark Twain
(thayer photo)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

stuffed pumpkin.

so i was streaming the new cee-lo album from npr music the other day when my npr player had a link a wonderful story about dorie greenspan's stuffed pumpkin recipe. after listening to all the mmmms and ahs over this recipe, i was convinced to try it.

the recipe turned out to be very easy to make and a big hit! the biggest hassle was scraping out all the seeds and strings from the center of such a little pumpkin. i served this as a main dish the first time i made it, and then as a side to meat the next. it would be fantastic for the thanksgiving table and very festive looking!

(my pumpkin, please excuse my shotty iphone pic)

check out the recipe and story here.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

sunny tuesday.

this is my favorite fall song. favorite.

and j. crew just happened to make this lovely video to it a couple years back.

makes me wish i was roadtripping to nowhere on sunny fall days like these.

Monday, November 8, 2010

happy monday!

sunny and mid-70s all week.
who said indian summer was over?
photo karen bee

Thursday, November 4, 2010

lanvin for h&m

check out this awesome collaboration between lanvin and h&m.

did someone say holiday party dresses?

i have my eye on the yellow off-the-shoulder and floral ruffly one. you could definitely wear those year round.

available november 20th

images via refinery 29
Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
~Victor Hugo

film still from my favorite movie.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

just a reminder.

do it. NOW.
before the polls close.

(shepard fairey)

Friday, October 29, 2010

weekend (halloween!)

happy halloween weekend! i am plan on spending this weekend celebrating my fabulous friend, kate, who is turning 30 today. we plan on eating pizza, drinking wine and dancing our asses off. saturday will be for halloween party hopping. i'm attending a song title themed halloween party. still deciding between the following: born to run, roxanne, and maneater. any opinions? i am very excited to pass out candy to trick-or-treaters on sunday. apparently my new neighborhood gets lots of kids! our landlord told us to stock up on candy... hope there is still some left over for this sweet tooth. :)

i leave you with amy stein's series of photographs titled halloween in harlem. pretty great, huh? love the contrast of little kids against the big city background. could you imagine trick-or-treating in NYC? definitely a different experience than i had growing up in the heartland.

happy halloween!


i have an obsession with all things that come out of rifle paper co. i have some of their gorgeous valentines framed in my entryway because they were too pretty to part with all of them.

they just released these lovely hand-painted (!!!) monogram cards.

these would be miiiine.