Monday, October 18, 2010

lisa's smoothie.

i've been feeling a bit gut-tastic these past few days. chalk it up to the last weeks of indian summer that has been full of bbqs, oktoberfest, smore's making, wine drinking, etc., etc.

fun? yes. good for the waistline? no.

when feeling this way i try to make an effort of eating more raw foods. one of my favorite ways to do this is to start my day off with a raw food smoothie.

my brother-in-law's sister, lisa, taught me how to make this one and it is sweet and yummy. you would never guess that you are not only getting two servings of fruit, but two servings of veggies too! lisa is a total rockstar who lives a fabulous life out in big sur, who spends her days giving singing workshops and expanding her website design business.

lisa's smoothie

handful of frozen berries
1 banana*
large handful of fresh spinach
carrot juice

throw the berries, spinach and banana into the blender together and start with a big splash of carrot juice. i add more carrot juice until i get to the consistency i like.

easy as pie!
(without the calories)

*i tend to add frozen bananas that i peel and freeze right before they go bad. also great to use for banana bread.

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