Tuesday, March 22, 2011

pimp my ride.

with the unseasonably warm weather here in st. louis this past weekend, i spent some time on sunday getting my bike tuned up and ready for some early spring rides.

right now i have a red milk crate strapped on the back of my bike (i know - totally hipster...at least it's not a fixie) for trips to the farmers market and yoga in the park. i have been thinking about alternatives for the clunky red crate. i had idea of just strapping a regular wicker basket on the back and low and behold, design*sponge did a feature on beg bicycles today.

i am thinking a diy project inspired by beg bicycles products. just find a basket or wooden crate at a thrift or antique store and attach them with bungee cords. i love both looks of the wooden crate or the wicker basket on the bikes. how cute would it be to find a vintage crate that had some lettering or labels still on them. looks like this girl just found a weekend project.

images via beg bicycles

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